Storz & Bickel The Volcano Classic Vaporizer
Volcano Classic Vaporizer is a pioneer in the industry. It impresses by its robust and purely electromechanical design, high quality materials and craftmanship that guarantees a long working life.
The Volcano Classic Vaporizer is an ideal choice for the ones looking for highest quality advanced vaporizer that is easy to use and is efficient.
It is a Medical Grade Vaporizer. Over 12 years of research and development, extensive safety testing earned the Volcano a name of the medical grade device.
The Volcano balloon and valve system ensures the vaporisers is not lost, it can be stored for up to 8 hours. Combine this with the enormous aluminium heat exchanger, the silencer and air filter and you will get the most efficient vaporiser - The Volcano.
Sounds complicated? Don't worry, it is very easy to use. It heats up in about 3 minutes and the 100-watt convection heater makes it impossible to combust your herbs - the convection heating source and a large aluminium exchanger ensure the constant temperature.
This vaporizer features simple but precise temperature control with a range of 266° F - 446° F with the accuracy of ± 5° C / 9° F. The Classic does not display the temperature on its analog dial and instead displays numbers 1-9. There is a chart included in the box, which shows what temperatures the numbers correspond to.
It's been on the market for decades, but it is still one of the best vaporizers available!
Made in Germany. 3 year standard warranty by Storz and Bickel.
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